Tuition & Fees

2024-25 Academic Year

  • Tentatively, the application process will begin on February 1, 2024.

    Please sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest CSS news.

  • Tuition is due August 1.

  • Tuition can optionally be paid in nine monthly installments. The first month of tuition is due August 1.

    Monthly payments will amount to $277.78 per month for K-6 and $288.89 for 7-12.

    If you prefer to pay tuition in full, you will receive $100 off the cost of tuition.

  • The Founder’s Discount is open to the first 30 students who apply for Collierville Classical School. You will receive a $300 discount for the first two years of enrollment.

  • To be eligible for the Central Member Discount, you must be on the membership roll of Central Church or be in the process of attending Central’s membership classes. Regular attendance and involvement at Central do not make you eligible for this discount.

    To learn more about Central Church and our membership process, please visit the Central Church website.

    Unlike the Founder’s Discount, there is no limit to the number of people who can use the Central Member Discount.

  • If you are enrolling more than one student, you will receive $50 off per enrolled student.

    If you are enrolling one student, you will receive no sibling discount.
    If you enroll two students, you will receive a $100 discount ($50 for each child).

    There is no maximum deduction for this discount, so each student you enroll will receive the $50 discount. However, each student must be part of the same family to receive the discount.

  • All of our discounts are stackable. For example, if you are eligible for our Founder’s Discount ($300 discount), the Central Member discount ($200 discount), and pay your tuition in full ($100 discount), you will receive a total of $600 off tuition.

    A family that enrolls a student into Kindergarten, pays in full, and has both our Founder’s Discount and Central Member’s discount would have a tuition of $1900.

  • The administrative fee is due when applying for enrollment.

    The administrative fee will be credited toward your tuition if you choose to complete enrollment. Credit is not applicable towards a la carte classes.

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